Thank you to everyone who entered the Goodreads giveaway to win an ARC of Fair Coin! There definitely will be other opportunities to get a copy. In fact, here’s one now…
The Carl Brandon Society, an organization that helps build awareness of race and ethnicity in speculative fiction, is hosting another charity auction to get fans of color to a convention of their choice: Con or Bust. There are some delightful items and services up for auction, including a variety of autographed books and ARCs, jewelry, and critiques. Take a little while to scroll through everything on offer–more is being added every day! Some of particular interest (to me, anyway) include:
- an ARC of Starters by fellow Apocalypsie Lissa Price
- a complete set of Tor Books’ Clockwork Century series by Cherie Priest
- a signed copy of Deathless by Cat Valente
- an ARC of The Weird, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
- a review of a movie of your choice by Genevieve Valentine
- a critique from Delia Sherman of 10,000 words of your fiction
- an ARC of Redshirts by John Scalzi
I’m also offering an ARC (again, that’s an uncorrected Advance Reading Copy) of Fair Coin (Pyr, 3/6/12) to a good home, for a good cause. The bid is currently at $10. I’ll sign or personalize this copy for the winning bidder and mail it out ASAP. The auction ends on Sunday, February 25, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Alas, this ARC is only available to people in North America.
Con or Bust also welcomes PayPal donations if you want to help but eschew material goods.