05/01/2012 ecmyers

I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but my next reading from Fair Coin will be this Thursday, May 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Water Street Books, 26 Water Street, in Williamstown, MA. This event is generously co-sponsored by the Religion and English departments at Williams College.

If you live anywhere near Williamstown, I would love to see you there! A discussion and signing will follow the short reading, and there will be plenty of swag for the taking. I expect it to be a fun event, what with all the smart college kids and teachers around.

Apparently Christopher Reeve often performed in theatrical productions in Williamstown and was married there, so that’s kind of cool. Other notable individuals with links to Williamstown include quantum physicist William Wootters (best name ever!), the Barclay Jermain Professor of Natural Philosophy at Williams College; songwriter Cole Porter; Welsh actor Roger Rees; actor Matthew Perry; and SFF writer Paul Park.

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I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.

Comments (8)

  1. Robin Walton

    YA SF fans run to Barnes and Noble or hurry to Amazon and get “Fair Coin,” by E. C. Myers. It’s a slow starter, so have a little patience. It also tricks you into thinking it’s a fantasy novel, when about half way through it reveals its true SF nature.
    On a personal note of life imitating art, I had just read page 111 when the girl says
    “It would be nice if you asked me out instead of the other way around, for a change.” She turned and walked up the path to her door. She stopped again and looked over her shoulder at him. “Was that too obvious?”
    “You can never be too obvious for a guy,” Ephraim said.
    First of all, Amen to that. A few minutes after reading that passage and checking into Facebook, I got an instant message from a mild acquaintance:
    “since you are not asking me so I’m gonna ask you would you be interested in going out on a date with me ? “
    Thank you!
    Then later after the plot starts accelerating:
    “Don’t worry, size doesn’t matter in quantum mechanics,” she said. “It’s how you use it.”
    Back to life imitating art, I have just completed a 70 show run of a show called, “Nano. Bigger Than You Think.”
    So E. C. Myers, have you been following me around? Or are you my analog in another universe?
    He also wonderfully brings in references to Tom Sawyer, Wizard of Oz and all sorts of fun stuff.
    Get the book, read it, and pass it around!

    • ecmyers

      Thank you for the kind words, Robin. I can assure you, I have not been following you around–but I wish I had been so I could have checked out your show. I’m very glad you enjoyed Fair Coin so much and appreciate the review!


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  4. Så fin han är i sin nya tröja!Passar på att önska dig en trevlig hundspannstur. Ska bli intressant att se bilderna.Kram!

  5. Herodotis, vous avez le droit de ne pas aimer la poésie. La poésie est souvent mièvre. Mais le sens ne suffit pas à l’existence humaine, ni la perception physique : l’être humain a besoin de ce qui peut dériver vers le mièvre. On n’y peut rien. Il est vain de chercher à recréer l’être humain selon un idéal rationaliste. Cela reviendrait à chercher des vaccins contre l’imagination, comme le réclamait Jean Rostand. Or, cela va à l’encontre du respect de la nature humaine.

  6. Robert,Thanks for the comment, athough please don't imply that I haven't studied Greek. The Calvinist argument from 1 John 5:1 is initally appealing because it does some have some basis in Greek. If you know a little Greek you can see the argument and if you know a little more you can see what's wrong with it.God be with you,Dan

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