I have been so behind on everything lately, I haven’t yet blogged about these other publications that feature me or my work:
I have a short essay in Hyphen – Asian America Unabridged Issue 25: Generation, which is not only their tenth anniversary issue, but features an interview with George Takei. I am in a magazine with Mr. Sulu. How incredibly awesome is that? I was invited to be featured along with ten “next-gen Asian American writers” in a feature called “The Descendants.” We all wrote about the authors who have influenced us, and I wrote a little piece on William Sleator. I was very flattered and honored to be included in this great list–even more so when I received the magazine and saw what a high quality publication it is. I’m still reading through it, but I love the range of articles and perspectives. I’m going to get a subscription, and if you’re Asian American or interested in Asian Americans (uh, you know what I mean) or just other cultures, I recommend you check it out.
In addition to writing fiction, I sometimes get to write film reviews and critical analyses. I am a contributor to the Directory of World Cinema: Japan 2, edited by John Berra. (It was published in February 2012, and thus kind of eclipsed by Fair Coin.) I wrote summaries and critiques of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, Mushishi, Ponyo, Tekkonkinkreet, and Tokyo Zombie. I can recommend you see all of these films, except Mushishi; for that, I would just go to the anime or, better yet, the manga. Still, I enjoyed watching and writing about them since I am a big fan of anime, and these directories are terrific resources for those interested in film and finding out more about Japanese cinema. I’m looking forward to contributing to volume 3 next year.
I can’t claim any credit for this one, but I recently learned that my friend Dave Mack Tuckerized me in his novel Star Trek Vanguard: Storming Heaven. That’s right. I am Captain Eugene Myers of the U.S.S. Repulse. I haven’t read the book yet, but I trust that he hasn’t red shirted me. Even so, I’m psyched that I am now a part of Star Trek history, even if it isn’t considered canon.
Finally, have you seen this interview with me at HalfKorean.com?