I’m comfortable enough with the fact that authors have to promote themselves, but I like some aspects of that reality better than others. I don’t like doing the “hard sell,” and I don’t like awards season. But I would also feel remiss if I didn’t mention my award-eligible works, because hey, I’m proud of them, and this is the first time I have an actual novel as a contender.
So I humbly submit my first novel, FAIR COIN (Pyr, 2012), for your 2012 awards consideration. There is plenty of information about it right here on this site, with links to most of the reviews the book has received, including this outstanding one from io9.
If you are a SFWA member, I would be honored if you would include FAIR COIN among your nominations for the Andre Norton Award for Outstanding Young Adult Science Fiction or Fantasy Book on your Nebula Award ballot. Ballots are due tomorrow, Feb. 15 by midnight PST!
If you are a voting member of the 2013 Hugo Awards, to be presented at the 2013 Worldcon, please consider adding FAIR COIN to your ballot under the Best Novel category.
As it happens, I am also eligible this year for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Voting ends March 10 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Thank you for your consideration!