Dragon Con! I will be there! I’m arriving early in the morning on Friday, Aug. 30, and departing in the evening on Monday, Sept. 2, and this is my schedule of panels:
Title: Crossovers
Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: A707 – Marriott (Length: 1)
Description: Adult SF for the discriminating teen. YA SF for the “adult” SF fan.
4:00 PM Friday
Pyr Rising
Room: Regency V (Hyatt)
Rene Sears with Clay & Susan Griffith, Gabrielle Harbowy, E.C. Myers, Mike Resnick, Joel Shepherd
Title: Totally Retro Toons
Time: Fri 08:30 pm Location: A708 – Marriott (Length: 1)
Description: Do today’s cartoons gag you with a spoon? This discussion of ’80s kids shows will be totally tubular.
Title: Book Club: Fair Coin by E.C. Myers
Time: Sat 01:00 pm Location: A707 – Marriott (Length: 1)
Description: A discussion with the author of Fair Coin, which won the Andre Norton Award for Best YA Book of 2013.
Title: Reading – E.C. Myers
Time: Sat 05:30 pm Location: University – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Title: Father Knows Best: Dads in Harry Potter
Time: Sun 11:30 am Location: Regency V – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: A discussion of the fathers and father figures in the Potterverse.
I’ll also be stationed at the SFWA table on Sunday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., so that’s a great time to stop by for a chat!
I’m particularly psyched and a little bit terrified about the Book Club discussion of Fair Coin on Saturday. As for my reading later that day, I’m not sure what I will share, but it may be my most recent short story, “The Grimoire Girls,” which is forthcoming in the anthology Schoolbooks and Sorcery, edited by Michael M. Jones.
Also, although I will not have a dedicated time slot for signings, I’m happy to sign my books whenever. If you still need to pick up a copy of Fair Coin or Quantum Coin, I believe The Missing Volume will have them for sale at their booth; I’ll post updates on Twitter, which is probably the best way to stalk me while I’m at the convention.
(On a dorky side note, I’m getting a kick out of being listed alphabetically near Eve Myles in the Dragon Con program book and on the website. I hope I’ll get to meet her!)