I should probably mention that I’m going to be at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia this weekend! Seemed like I should attend, since it’s in my own city and all; however, I’m keeping a somewhat low profile, because I have a big deadline looming on Monday.*
So if you’re attending ALA too and would like to see me, your best bet is to drop by the SFWA table in the Exhibit Hall (Booth #409) on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. I’ll be there to answer your questions about SFWA from 11–12, then signing…things…from 12–1. (My books won’t be available for sale there, as far as I know, but you can bring copies — and I’m happy to sign free bookmarks and book plates, while supplies last.)
Also, I put together a short guide on stuff to do in Philly, things to see, and some restaurants I like near the convention for SFWA members, but thought it might be useful to a broader audience too. If you want it, download it here (PDF). It is not fancy.
See you at ALA?
*If anyone wants to meet up to write with me near the convention, let me know. I’ll be there all day Saturday and probably Sunday morning.