
I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.

Comments (5)

  1. George Morris

    Hi Eugene..Thank you! My hard copy of the book arrived today and I just got the short story put on my Kindle. I look forward to some holiday reading. Best wishes, George

    • ecmyers

      Thank you — I hope you enjoy them! :D

  2. Z


    It seems like I can’t get this prequel anywhere. It’s no longer on any of the apps mentioned. :( Help?

  3. SR mit Frq von ~ 100, ST-Hebungen I,aVL, V1-V5 => anteroseptaler Infarkt.Daher bei weiteren Schmerzen Vendall i.v., 4000 IE Heparin i.v., 250 mg ASS p.o., kontinuierliche Überwachung mit 4er und SpO2, absolutes Bewegungsverbot und dann zum Spital das heute für PTCA Dienst hat.VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

  4. Bukan nak burukkan bangsa lain, tapi org cina memang klu on the road,berlagak ..bukan semua lah..selalu masuk line tk pasang signal,,apalagi kalau asau2 atau apek2.. boleh buat selamba dek saja…taak suka….

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