05/11/2016 ecmyers

AASIf you’re at Book Expo America (BEA) in Chicago this week, come to my autographing on Friday to get a signed copy of my new book, Against All Silence, courtesy of my overlords, Adaptive Books!

Friday, May 13 — 2:30–3 p.m.
Table 4
Add it to your BEA calendar

You will be among the first people in the world to read this book, which will be published in August! Seriously, this is so brand new, I don’t even have copies of it yet! I really really really really hope you like it. I also hear there will be some special, limited-edition giveaways at this event, but I’m not sure if I should say more than that. ;)

If you aren’t at BEA or you miss me there, I will also be crashing the Mass Autographing Session at the SFWA Nebula Weekend at Palmer House on Friday the 13th, from 8 p.m. on. I’ll be happy to sign anything (anything!) if you corner me, but you’ll have to bring your own books!


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I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.