08/25/2016 ecmyers

One of the most incredible things about being an author is having my book published outside of the United States. A few years ago we sold the rights to my first novel, Fair Coin, to Sharp Point Press, a Taiwanese publisher. I recently saw their stunning cover for the book, which I am thrilled to share with you:

fair coin tw

I am such a big fan of this! The book will be coming out in Taiwan in the fall, I think as early as next month. And Sharp Point has something really special in mind: They are selling books with replicas of the quantum coin Ephraim finds, which resemble a U.S. quarter from another universe in which Puerto Rico is the 51st state! Wow. I’ve seen a mock-up of the coin, and I am so excited and impressed. I hope I get one of those, and I’ll share pics of the finished book and coin when I can.

For comparison, below is the U.S. cover of Fair Coin, illustrated by Sam Weber, and because I’m not sure if I’ve shared it here before, the equally amazing Russian cover, by Darya Kuznetsova.


This has been a good book week for me. :)

Which cover do you like best?

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I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.