08/22/2023 ecmyers

Exciting news for fans of the Little Nightmares franchise: Little Nightmares III is coming out next year! And to whet everyone’s ravenous appetites for more tales from the Nowhere, Bandai Namco Europe is releasing The Sounds of Nightmares, a serialized fiction podcast exploring the increasingly disturbing dreams of a new little one, Noone—and I got to co-write an episode!

It was such a privilege to be invited to contribute to this fantastic world, and so much fun to work with showrunner Lonnie Nadler and BN in creating this scary cool experience! So if like the LN games and comics, please check out this brand-new story wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes drop every Tuesday through September 19! Learn more and listen at https://www.thesoundsofnightmares.com/ and view the announcement trailer below.



I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.