Though it might be better practice to ignore reviews of my stories, at this point in my career I just can’t resist peeking at them. At the very least, they’re evidence that people other than my friends are reading my work. Fortunately, so far they have been rather favorable, and I’m just pleased that reviewers are spelling my name right. Here, then, are a few reviews of Shimmer magazine issue #13, which includes my short story “All the Lonely People”:
Locus Online
Lois Tilton calls my story a “depressing look at urban existence,” which is precisely what I was going for.
Sam Tomaino calls it a “sad, bittersweet tale.”
The Portal
Jessica Barnes says, “The concept and writing are stellar, as with the rest of the collection…”
You can order print ($6) and electronic ($4) editions of the issue online, read an interview with me, or view a video clip of me reading part of “All the Lonely People.”