07/02/2012 ecmyers


source: captphilonline.com

Readercon is one of my favorite conventions, but important things like birthdays and weddings (most notably my own last summer) often conspire to keep me away. So I’m really glad I’ll be able to make it this year–attending a convention as a published novelist for the first time!

I’ll be there from early Friday, July 13 to early Sunday, July 15. I’m not scheduled for any panels, readings, or autograph sessions, but if you happen to want your copy of Fair Coin signed, feel free to stop me when you see me, unless I’m in the bathroom; I will be well-armed with Sharpies for the weekend. If you don’t want to bring the book along (I doubt anyone will have it in the dealer’s room), I’ll have a limited number of bookplates with me. And you can always get a signed bookmark or maybe a coin case, while supplies last. (Supplies are very low.)

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the one panel I really want to see: Mapping the Parallels (Sun, 1:00 p.m.), which is all about parallel universes in fiction. I have opinions on this subject. But I have a pretty long trip home on Sunday and work the next day, so I’ll probably be taking off after lunch.

There seems to be only one YA panel, Through a Glass Dystopianly (Fri, 1:00 p.m.), and you can bet I’ll try to be there. Otherwise, follow me on Twitter and you’ll be able to stalk me, or just wait around the bar or pool; I’m bound to appear there eventually. I’m looking forward to catching up with lots of friends!

I’m not actually sure who all will be going to Readercon, so if you’ll be there, let me know in the comments and I will keep an eye out for you specifically!

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I'm a YA author who spends too much time on the internet.

Comments (3)

  1. Miriam

    I’ll be there! Now, I just need to remember and stop by my local indie for a copy of Fair Coin, as I *shame* haven’t done so yet.

    Sadly I have work until 1 on Friday so I have to miss the YA panel. *sniff*

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