Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
This year, in recognition of the tenth anniversary of this international tradition, I’m going to discuss eBook piracy, a subject I’ve been meaning to blog/vlog about for a while.
Standard disclaimer: These are just the opinions of one author, who had his first book published (and pirated) this year–two significant milestones in any writer’s career. The content of this video also does not represent the opinions of my agency, publisher, or cat. Please share your own thoughts on eBook piracy as readers, writers, editors, publishers, or Cylons in the comments below!
It’s also apparent that I need a better camera to record these videos. If you vlog, let me know what camera you’ve been using and what you think of it. Thanks!
Christina (A Reader of Fictions)
Very nice, vlog. :) Also, I love the Westley picture. He’s my favorite pirate.
Just FYI, I checked to make sure your book was at my local library and it IS! They have 8 copies.
Thank you, and thanks for checking the library. Eight copies! Yay!
I;m glad to know that I am not the only one who finds it crazy hard to keep up. You are doing the right thing for your family though.Wish you the best and "see" you in January :)
gatita, creo que tienes un pequeño error de concepción. La pregunta correcta serÃa: “¿qué partido se le pude sacar aparte de ver cuatro pelÃculas de Sony Pictures?”.Cuesta una pasta y hay muy pocos juegos que no puedas conseguir en otras videoconsolas.Además: NO CONTRIBUYAS AL TERRORISMO VIDEOJUEGUIL Y A LA PODREDUMBRE DE LA INDUSTRIA APOYANDO EL INMOVILISMO Y LA FALTA DE IDEAS!