At last, I’ve managed to select a winner in my giveaway for Hal Johnson’s critically-acclaimed Immortal Lycanthropes. After creating a list of all the entries, I randomized and numbered the list, and then selected a random number at And the winner is…
Kari will receive a copy of Immortal Lycanthropes signed and illustrated by its, uh, illustrious author, Hal. And seriously, if you haven’t checked out this book yet, what are you waiting for? Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing calls it “a YA novel unlike any other.” And while you could say that about any number of YA books and not mean it as a compliment, he clarifies this with: “Take one part Lemony Snicket, one part Boy’s Life adventure, three measures of Daniel Pinkwater, a dash of Tex Avery mixed with Carlos Castenada, and you’d get something like Immortal Lycanthropes.”
That sounds great to me. My copy arrived last week, and I’m looking forward to diving in as soon as I finish The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls.
Thanks, all who entered the contest and read the interview! I’d like to do more of these soon, so stay tuned to the same immortal-lycanthrope-bat channel.