Today is the official release day of my second novel, Quantum Coin! By now it should be in your local Barnes & Noble and hopefully some independent bookstores in North America as well, and it’s available via many online e-tailers. The Kindle edition is out in the U.S., and the Nook edition should follow by the end of the month.
I wrote this series for you, and now it’s in your hands. Read. Enjoy. And if you do like Fair Coin and/or Quantum Coin, I will be grateful if you recommend it to your students, children, teens in your life, family, friends, librarians, book sellers, and the internet at large.
Thank you once again to Altered Fluid, JAbberwocky Literary Agency, Pyr Books, and especially to my friends and family who have supported and tolerated me talking about these books and making myself scarce to write them over the years. Glad that’s over now, huh?*
And if you’re in the Greater Philadelphia area, there are a few events this week where I will be signing books with many other YA authors. Tonight I’ll be at Arcadia University; Thursday I’ll be at my local independent, Big Blue Marble; and on Friday you can catch us at Children’s Book World in Haverford, PA. Check my events page for all the details.
Stay frosty,
*Not quite over, but I will talk about them less often from now on. Probably.
Happy Launch Day!!!!!!