Books, Novels, Process, Writing 04 Dec 2014 books vs. babies! People sometimes talk about books as if they are babies, raised by the author and ultimately sent into the world to make their… ecmyers
Novels, Process, Writing 26 Aug 2014 sherlock’s approach to research Early this year, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts launched its interview series, In Conversation, with Benedict Cumberbatch. (Good… ecmyers
Process, Reading, Writing, Young Adult 26 Apr 2014 Diversity in YA Today, I was honored to speak to some amazing teen writers and readers at the Little Flower Teen Writers Festival… ecmyers
Process, Writing 25 Mar 2014 choosing your own adventures One of my favorite parts of writing happens when I’m not writing. You know, those moments during the day when you’re… ecmyers
Process, Writing 16 Jan 2014 join me in a twitter chat tonight! The fabulous Kate Tilton, friend to authors, invited me to participate in #K8chat, her weekly Twitter chat for people interested… ecmyers